United StatesTexasPalestine1.994 Wooded Acres in East Texas

1.994 Wooded Acres in East Texas 000 ACR 2101 Palestine, Texas 75801 United States

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1.994 Beautiful Wooded Acres. Over 300 feet county road frontage. Close to town but seemingly in the country. New Survey. All utilities available.
Penny Menke
Penny Menke
  • Sales Associate, REALTOR®
7500 State Hwy 155
Frankston, Texas 75763 United States

Community Guide

Population breakdown by age

This chart indicates the age groups broken down as a percentage of total population in each location.

Household income

This chart indicates the household income grouped by income range as a percentage of total respondent population in each location.

Educational achievement

This chart indicates the educational achievement grouped by level of achievement as a percentage of total respondent population in each location. The national average is indicated in red.

Travel time to work

This chart indicates the total travel time to work grouped by time range in minutes as a percentage of total respondent population in each location.

Time leaving for work

This chart indicates the time leaving for work grouped by time range as a percentage of total respondent population in each location.



Year homes built

This chart indicates the year range that homes were built grouped by time span as a percentage of all respondent homes in the selected areas.

Occupancy Status

This pie chart illustrates a breakdown of the occupancy status of homes as a percentage of all respondent homes in the selected areas.

Number Of Occupants

This chart indicates the number of resident occupants in rental dwellings as a percentage of all respondent occupied rental dwellings.

Real Estate Taxes

This chart indicates the real estate taxes paid by a population of respondents in each location grouped by amount range.

Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, other government organizations, and local weather stations.

Penny Menke
Penny Menke
  • Sales Associate, REALTOR®
7500 State Hwy 155
Frankston, Texas 75763 United States
Contact Agent